Norwood Drive
Morecambe, Lancashire LA4 6LT
Rev. Linda Catlow 07782829921
"God’s inclusive love for all people
The Methodist Church wants every person to know they are valued and yet sometimes we leave people out without noticing. This might include, as examples, people with no income, people who do not have children, people who have mental health issues, or people who work shifts. Our valuing of all people needs to go beyond the legally protected ‘characteristics’ so that we take notice of, listen to and learn from one another across all differences.
We are ‘one in Christ’.
Discover Church at the Margins What does it mean for the Methodist Church to be a justice-seeking church?
See "Walking with Micah"
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The Inclusive Methodist Church Webpages have gone live, including resources available for people across the Connexion. There will be blogposts, Methodists news, and a video to promote them. I have had a small hand in this work over the past 2 years, that is still on-going. Thank you to those who have generously provided me with their own stories. I will still welcome hearing from you if you have come across or experienced yourself instances of exclusion or marginalisation. Please do promote this work in any way that you can. It is good to see the Methodist Church taking a lead in justice, dignity and solidarity. submitted by Sue Spencer